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Non-tech professionals join IT employment movement - Miles Jennings

Written by Miles Jennings | Oct 10, 2013 10:32:01 AM

As information technology proceeds to grow and develop into a dominating presence throughout the country’s employment market, it seems that more and more professionals are wanting in.Given that the state of the world economy remains somewhat uncertain since the recession, a number of jobs that had long been considered secure investments are now shadowed in doubt. Because of this, many are now entertaining the idea of completely ignoring their past schooling and work experience to place themselves on a safer, tech-driven track.Business Insider explained that among these IT newcomers are business school graduates. Before the global marketplaces started being impeded by stagnancy, going back to school to earn an MBA was a smart career choice for many Americans. However, now that the financial field is still up in the air, individuals finishing with their business degree coursework are not too keen on diving headfirst into the economic shark tank.For this reason, graduates are looking into other, more stable employment solutions that will ultimately set them up for a less-bumpy career path. Putting seemingly endless hours into an entry-level job with investment firms is no longer an enticing choice for many MBA grads. If they were to pour so much of their time and energy into a finance career, they would at least like to know that this investment will pay off in the end.As students with degrees from some of the U.S.’ top business schools explore lucrative employment options, one industry seems to have caught their eye. With information technology jobs popping up everywhere, this rapidly growing sector has the potential to offer these MBA grads the kind of security that they’re looking for. Consequently, schools on both sides of the country, such as Stanford and Cornell, are finding that more of their business students are moving on to pursue IT employment.MBAs not warmly embracedThat is not to say that the rest of the technology workforce is going to welcome businessmen with open arms. According to Crain’s Chicago Business Journal, some investors throughout the IT community are hesitant to trust those with purely business backgrounds to run tech companies.Even though individuals boasting MBAs have the skill set to head IT initiatives, they could lack the innovative spirit required to succeed in today’s cutthroat tech market. The way in which business school is structured leaves little room for creativity and ingenuity, both of which are crucial if IT professionals hope to compete in this ever-advancing sector. Due to this logic, those who have already served some time in the industry are skeptical about this emerging wave of applicants.Make room for marketersFor better or for worse, business school graduates are not the only new face making an appearance in the realm of IT employment. As corporations continue to evolve, becoming more tech-centric, the roles of certain staff positions may undergo modifications that will make them geared more to information technology functions.One such job that will take on more tech-heavy duties is the chief marketing officer position, CIO stated. Because effective marketing campaigns have become reliant on the use of technology, CMOs are not operating in an area void of IT anymore. As their daily practices and long-term tactics include more and more technology, individuals fulfilling these roles will have to become well-versed in IT functions.”I don’t think a CMO in the traditional sense exists anymore. CMOs today have to account for the digital age – the digitization of everything,” said recruiting expert Rona Borre, according to CIO. “Marketing professionals have to be tech-savvy, have to be well-versed in content optimization and be able to understand the importance of social media, data analytics, the Internet, search and so much more.”With expanded IT responsibilities comes more power. CMOs may soon find that they are taking on the tasks previously assigned to chief information officers. Market research methods have become more technologically driven, utilizing an increased amount of online sources to acquire consumer data.”The way that customers engage with companies has changed – everything from the way they research and buy products and services to how they share those experiences with others; buying through Web stores and sharing reviews and recommendations through social media,” stated Kimberly Samuelson, director of marketing for LaserFische.CMOs to increase IT investment influenceStemming from the shift in how companies look into their customer demographics, CMOs can expect to deal with a lot more technological tools – from social media solutions to analytics applications. Furthermore, they will be responsible for sharing the findings of their IT-enabled research to the rest of their organizations.”More than ever, the CMO has to be the customer’s mouthpiece and the owner of the customer experience within the company, by seeing that experience from an outside perspective,” Samuelson added.Because CMOs will be using more IT solutions in their daily job duties, they will have more influence about the types of tech investments that their companies should make. CIOs and other IT professionals, on the other hand, will have to move over and make room for their new colleagues.