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The Top 10 CIO Stories of 2014

With threats coming from all angles, CIOs have had to stay sharp on many fronts. A look back at the Top 10 Stories on demonstrates just how diverse the issues are facing the IT field and its top executives.

No complicated algorithms were necessary to develop our list of the Top 10. We solely relied on the blog posts from the last year that were most widely read. Maybe you missed them. Now is a good quiet time to catch up.

Click on the headline to link to the articles. The text below each headline is the opening paragraph from each post.

How To Become a Hired Gun CIO

Peter High, a contributor at, typically focuses his column, “The First 100 Days” on CIOs settled in at corporations. He turned things around recently with an interview with the man he calls the “Greatest CIO for Hire in History.”

CEOs Need Business-Savvy CIOs to Grow

Recovering from the Great Recession has been an arduous process for a number of companies in nearly every market in the world. However, the more stable that businesses become, the more confident their leaders may feel, which could prompt them to take risks and aim high when it comes to setting objectives for their organizations.

Form a Diverse Big Data Team for Maximum Results

In recent years, a rising number of businesses in a variety of sectors have seen the value in leveraging big data so that they can optimize their operations. Despite there being more and more companies trying to examine the figures that big data reveals, improving their decision-making processes with the insight provided, these organizations don’t necessarily have the manpower to support these information technology initiatives. For this reason, chief information officers and other IT professionals taking on staff members for big data purposes should take a few factors into consideration when recruiting personnel.

10 Innovative Products for CIOs

The 11th Annual MIT Sloan CIO Symposium has announced the 10 finalists for its 2014 Innovation Showcase. The selected companies, according to organizers, “have developed cutting edge solutions that provide both strong value and innovation to enterprise IT.”

CIOs Expected To Adopt Venture Capital Mentality

The role of chief information officers seems to be drastically changing, regardless of whether these professionals are happy about it. As companies continuously strategize and come up with revolutionary ways to overhaul their businesses, they may be reshaping their visions of what CIOs are and what they do. In light of all this rearranging and renovating, it behooves information technology experts to be flexible and adjust to change so that they can remain relevant to their organizations’ plans and have better job security.

CIOs Contemplate Leaping into Wearable Work Environment

In the past, people would have thought that the ability to put on a pair of glasses and suddenly have a virtual world projected in front of you was something out of a science fiction movie or novel. However, the day has come that technology has made that once hypothetical capability a reality. On top of that, chief information officers around the world have started to capitalize on the development, implementing wearable IT tools as a component of their companies’ practices.

How To Get More Women in IT

A non-profit’s report on how to get more women into the information technology field determines that they earn more than half of all undergraduate degrees but are massively underrepresented in IT studies: women earn less than one-fifth of computer and information sciences degrees.

Walgreens CIO Faces Big Challenges

Walgreens CIO Timothy Theriault has a huge task ahead of him: cutting $1 billion in operating costs at the nation’s largest drug retailing chain. His role becomes prominent in the wake of Walgreen’s acquisition of Boots, a British pharmacy chain.

IT Giants Come Together To Combat Open-Source Issues

As of late, chief information officers and their tech teams have been rushing to secure an array of their hardware that may have been comprised due to the Heartbleed bug. While most IT professionals are attempting to deal with the aftermath stemming from the discovery of this OpenSSL glitch, other experts from some of the most prestigious tech companies throughout the world are taking extra precautions.

Roadblocks for Federal CIOs

There is a major roadblock for Chief Information Officers in the federal government – and it may not be surprising to hear that it’s agency leadership serving as the impediment. However, there are two other sources of frustration.

CIOs May Bridge Skills Gaps with Social Recruitment

There is no denying that chief information officers have to juggle a number of tasks when it comes to implementing and managing their businesses’ tech tools. Although this fact alone makes their jobs a challenge, their load could be lightened if they were to have the staff to support their efforts. Unfortunately, pinning down the right representatives – those who have the specialized skills required to keep companies competitive in terms of their IT use – is becoming increasingly difficult. With climbing demand for candidates who boast advanced tech capabilities, organizations are scrambling to secure the talent they need and resorting to new means of recruitment to avoid falling into the growing skills gap.

Top Blogs for CIOs to Read

It’s too easy to get caught up in our own worlds and not venture outside our comfort zones to be challenged by other points of view. Plus, frankly, many C-level executives can exist in a sycophantic universe. It’s good to find out you’re way of thinking may not be the only path.