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Someone asked about how to scale their startup

So I gave them these few general tips

  • Identify Your Employee Value Proposition. This is more important than people think and helps get everyone rowing in the right direction from day one.

    • An employee value proposition is a statement that a company would use to show the employees the values of the company. For example, “We’re all in this together” or “A happy customer tells two friends.” These are short and meaningful statements that give employees a strong sense of what they’re working for.

  • Adapt Your Interview Process for Volume. The old way isn’t going to work anymore. Whatever your old way was. You need to create a systematic approach.

    • Put in place very clear parameters to determine how you get to Yes and No for all applications. Use a system to evaluate candidates before hiring them.

  • Invest in Recruiting Tech for High Volume. You’re going to want some kind of applicant tracking system. We use Greenhouse internally, but that might be overkill for you.

  • Nail the Onboarding Experience for your New Hires. We just updated a really detailed deck with mission, vision, value but all the mundane benefits and comp stuff as well. This will be more important as you hire a bunch of new people. Will save time in the long run.

    • 1) Make sure that there is someone assigned specifically to help the new employee during their first few days; 2) Create an orientation schedule with clear instructions about what they should be doing each day; 3) Assign mentors who will show the new employees around and answer any questions they may have; 4) Offer training

My company helps companies hire — AI Software and On Demand Recruiters help in the ongoing mission for organizations to find qualified talent in an increasingly competitive world.

The technology works like this: companies post employment listings on the site which are then distributed to a global audience of qualified job seekers. Recruited talent is sourced from mobile devices, social media, company career sites and third-party networks where more than 150 million talent profiles reside. We also provide on demand recruiters on a “gig” basis to do the work of talent acquisition and recruiting for you, when you need it most.